So we’re all going to die: it’s currently an inescapable fact. In the meantime, we are all, to one degree or another, self-aggrandizing. My husband says we’re each the star of our own show. But unless you are a raving narcissist (met you; don’t think so), you have something to contribute we’ll enjoy. So, eventually, when you get over your reluctance, thank you for sharing, and all that.

Humour, silliness, whimsy, and all their friends, are what we need.

As long as you’re not so vain you’ll write your own obituary.

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Hmm - this is a strong argument. Any additional humor and silliness in the world is a good thing.

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"My problem has always been death." !!! You're killing me (pun and all).

So what's your take on ephemeral art?

(not that TikTok is art per se)

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Jan 28, 2022·edited Jan 28, 2022Author

I mean, my main art output is improv which is about as ephemeral as you can get. But the whole point of improv is that it comes from nothing and returns to nothing. A metaphor for death as well, but one we're all on board with. TikTok feels like a promise of immortality (fame!) wrapped in the most ephemeral of ephemera.

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Quite the paradox. Should we seek our 5 minutes 15 seconds at a time?

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Until the next app comes along that trims it down to 7 seconds!

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